COVID-19 Resources

The professional will gives recommendations and requests related to your practice in the event you are unable to continue practicing due to illness or death.

Model of a Professional Will

Resources for Children

Dr. Gil Kliman’s Kliman Epidemic Story workbook for children, tailored to the coronavirus outbreak. This is the workbook used all over the world to help children cope with traumatic events. It is mostly for pre-school and elementary school children but teenagers also use it. It is an effective way to help children cope with and work through trauma.
Children go at their own pace, working only on those sections with which they feel comfortable in any order, over several months or longer.

Drs. Joy and Howard Osofsky have developed two handouts to help children, youth, adolescents and families related to COVID-19.
Talking to Young Children-CoronaVirus
Talking to Youth -CoronaVirus

APsaA Resources for all Clinicians

APSA Coronavirus information for providers: includes information on teletherapy; regulatory and insurance information; information on treating children, adolescents, families, and couples; resources for support and collegiality; tips on managing anxiety:

Corona virus and your mental health:

Peer Consultation Group meetings registration (open to all): REGISTRATION

APsaA has given four seminars on “Going Online in the Time of COVID-19“. The series gives guidelines for switching to online therapy and analysis, the scope and probable problems of this mass crisis over times, and what to think about in teaching and supervising online.
Part 1: The Basics of Going Online for Therapy and Analysis
Part 2: Ethics and Practicalities of Going Online for Therapy and Analysis
Part 3: An Overview of the COVID Pandemic as a Mental Health Crisis
Part 4: Online Teaching and Supervision Basics. Closing Discussion of Questions and Contributions from Participants and All Faculty

An additional presentation discusses the similarities and differences between being in person and on screen or phone as well as concepts and strategies to help in these trying times.
WATCH: Emergency Conversion to Tele-treatment: Making it work